2025 Price Sheet

Lethality Assessment & Analysis


  • 1-day event, up to 200 shooters

  • 1-2 field support reps with all necessary measuring equipment

  • Assessment using time/accuracy lethality test (IMA, AMA, or custom)

  • Comparison using standards or simulated threats (e.g. near-peer, cartel, criminal)

  • Detailed analysis & assessment briefing and report

  • Recommendations report for training interventions

  • Verbal or televideo presentation

small unit lethality course


Significantly increase the lethality of a small unit (e.g. SWAT/SF team) or instructor group with modern time/accuracy based skillsets with either pistol or rifle. For instructors, consider pairing with a Lethality Assessment of their next set of students. 

  • 5-day event, 20 shooters

  • Initial assessment (time/accuracy lethality test)

  • Analysis of assessment

  • 4.5 days of training

  • Post assessment (time/accuracy lethality test)

  • Analysis & Evaluation report and recommendations for next steps

  • In-person or televideo briefing

ongoing lethality analysis


  • Track up to 2,000 shooters

  • Custom lethality dashboard according to your organizational structure

  • Secure marksmanship data warehouse (on your premises or ours)

  • Statistical analysis of lethality by our senior data scientist

  • Regular updates with each assessment

  • Quarterly briefings

  • Annual contract required

Qual Automation/Electronic scoring


  • Up to 2,000 shooters

  • Onboarding of your existing quals for scoring and reports

  • Design and consulting available for new time/accuracy tests

  • License to use our scoring and reporting apps

  • PDF output of all scorecards

  • Pair with Ongoing Lethality Analysis for digital records storage

User Scenarios

scenario 1

A Federal law enforcement branch wants to know the impact of an equipment change, for instance using red-dot sights instead of iron sights.

Necessary steps:

  • Design a scientific study

  • Design a test and testing protocol

  • Conduct assessments of 1000 agents for each sighting modality

  • Prepare scientific assessments of the effects of each modality


  • $25,000 for qual automation and setup

  • $9,950 x10 for 2000 assessments

  • $95,000 for ongoing quarterly assessments, updates, statistical analysis, scientific report writing/publishing, and data warehousing

scenario 2

A medium-sized sheriff organization has four SWAT teams each with 20 shooters.  They want to increase their lethality while creating standards for entering and staying in these units. 


  • $25,000 for qual design and automation

  • $9,950 x 4 to assess, train, and re-assess each group

  • $95,000 for ongoing quarterly assessments, updates, statistical analysis, scientific report writing/publishing, and data warehousing

scenario 3

A marksmanship school house in a large agency wants to increase the effectiveness of their training doctrine and instructor skills - as measured by impact on their student populations. 


  • $25,000 for qual design and automation

  • $9,950 to assess, train, and re-assess their instructor group

  • $9,950 x 2 to measure their next two classes. This would include basic post-analysis.

For extra ongoing analysis, consider adding:

  • $95,000 for ongoing quarterly assessments, updates, statistical analysis, scientific report writing/publishing, and data warehousing